
Old St. Mary’s School Tuition for 2024-2025
What does tuition at Old St. Mary’s school cover?
Tuition at Old St. Mary’s covers operational costs for the School including but not limited to:
● Professional salaries and benefits
● School curriculum and programming
● Health and property insurance
● Books, materials and supplies
● Technology and licenses
● Building utilities, maintenance and repairs
● School health and safety programs
● School building debt repayment
What other fees does Old St. Mary’s School charge in addition to tuition?
● Additional fees apply to the Extended Day Program, Athletics, and Enrichment Activities
● One time building fee of $3,000 for new families
● Special field trips and transportation costs for events may be charged a fee
What is the sibling discount?
● 1st sibling – 10%, 2nd sibling – 15%, 3rd sibling – 20%, 4th and 5th sibling – 50%
Is there Financial Aid available to attend Old St. Mary’s?
Tuition assistance is available for families who qualify and varies based on need. All applications need to be completed through the FACTS Tuition Management application form. All families are required to reapply each year.
Questions? Please contact the Finance Director Shannon Carsello
Tuition Payment
Tuition and fees are paid through the FACTS online system.