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Strategic Plan

Dear Friends,


We are pleased to share the results of the hard work completed by so many last year as we engaged in the self-examination process required when putting together a comprehensive strategic plan. In all, almost four hundred Old St. Mary’s School families, parishioners, and community friends contributed their voices to this process. At the heart of this population, there is great pride and positivity felt regarding the establishment and growth of the School. Additionally, there is a great deal of confidence around the work being done to strategically advance the School and a sense of hope that the work will benefit not just students, but the parish and community as well.


Of all the messages we received, the notions of Communication, Transparency, Accountability, and Excellence were shared over and over again. This is where we will begin, and these values will be ever-present in our work as we continue to strive for Catholic Identity, Academic Excellence, Financial Vitality and Governance and Leadership to promote our mission.


When considering what makes a plan strategic, it is important to differentiate between an operational or tactical plan, and a plan that is based on a strategic perspective. Our strategic thinking embraces a 360-degree view of our organization: where it stands, where it has been, and where it is likely or desired to be in the future. We invite you to join us in our enthusiasm to get to work, and have the strategic plan anchor our efforts every day, as we advance the mission of the school and every member in our community.



Fr. Brad Schoeberle, CSP           


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Old St. Mary's School,  1474 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60605 |  |  Tel: 312-386-1560

Office Hours: Mon - Fri 7am-4pm


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