Extended Day
Old St. Mary’s School offers an Extended Day Program (ED) for all students. We are committed to providing a program of growth and discovery outside of the regular school hours. Activities include daily snack, arts and crafts, games, outdoor play, and homework/reading time. The Extended Day Program is currently offered after the school day.
For any questions, email the Extended Day Director Stephanie Hagerman at ed@osmschool.com.
Click HERE to register.
The Extended Day Program follows the school calendar. On full school days, the Extended Day Program is offered from:
3:00 P.M. (2:45P.M. for preschool)-6:00 P.M.
Please NOTE: No after school program will be provided on days in which children dismiss early. Only students of Old St. Mary’s School can be enrolled in the program.
Aftercare is charged at $10.00 an hour per child.
Students must be picked up by 6:00 P.M. If a student is picked up between 6:01-6:15PM. a $25.00 fee will be assessed, 6:16-6:30PM $50.00, and 6:31PM and beyond $100.00 per student.
Billing is completed at the end of every month. Extended Day tuition is paid through FACTS incidental billing. Invoices will be sent at the end of every month and can be paid online. For any questions, please contact Shannon Carsello.
Each day a snack will be provided for your child. Old St. Mary’s School is committed to providing healthy food choices. If your child has any food allergies please provide a nutritious snack that suits the needs of your child.
Outdoor Recess
All students participate in outdoor recess. If the “real-feel” temperature is 20 degrees or higher, students will spend some portion of their afternoons outdoors. Please make sure they have the appropriate footwear and outerwear.
Enrichment Opportunities
Children who are ill should not be in school. If a child becomes ill in the Extended Day Program, their parents will be called for immediate pick-up, (please note children must be fever-free for 24 hours). If the parents are unavailable, the next name on the Emergency Contact will be called. If a child has an accident during the Extended Day Program, parents will be notified.
The Extended Day Program is a privilege. It is part of the Old St. Mary’s School program; so the same expectations of good conduct are assumed. The program strives to provide an environment that focuses on children managing their own behavior. Children are expected to demonstrate and maintain appropriate and safe behavior. When a discipline problem develops, the staff will attempt to redirect a child to an appropriate activity whenever possible. The staff will separate a child from the group if they are misbehaving, and the staff will explain to the child why they are being disciplined. The child will be asked to rejoin the group when they feel ready. If a child continues to misbehave, then a meeting between the Director and the child’s parents will be set up to work out a resolution.
Personal belongings, such as toys and electronic games, are not allowed in the Extended Day Program.
After School Procedures
At dismissal, children in the Extended Day Program will be taken to their designated classrooms. Any child who is not picked up within 10 minutes of the 2:45PM (PK) 3:00PM (K-8) dismissal will be taken directly to the Extended Day program and checked-in by the teacher. Children may be picked up any time prior to 6:00 P.M. Only those persons are allowed to pick up the children. If school staff is unfamiliar with the person designated to pick up a child, identification will be requested. Parents/guardians should go directly to the front office to sign out their child. Parents are expected to pick up their children on time each day. All children must be picked up by 6:00 P.M. A late fee of $25 will be charged for every 15 minutes after 6:00. Consistent late pick up will result in the child being withdrawn from the program. When Parents/ Guardians and emergency contacts cannot be reached, local authorities may be called.
Authorized Pick-Up Considerations
The Extended Day Program staff must be alerted to any special concerns regarding custody, visitation, etc. Court orders must be placed on file with the school office if a parent is restricted from contact with a child. When the Registration is completed, the parents must indicate the names of all persons who are authorized to sign out a child from the Extended Day Program.
In case of an emergency, please contact the school office at 312-386-1560.